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J.H.A.T. Jesus Had A Trade is a mentor program that focuses on promoting trade skills to decrease poverty, crime, recidivism and create a prosperous life.  By achieving this goal we will increase local economies, stabilize and strengthen families.  The program name was chosen based of a question that Theo Hamiter always asked youth, “Jesus had a trade, why don’t you?”  Jesus is one of the world’s most famous tradesmen being a carpenter.  Jesus used his trade and teamed up with other tradesmen in the twelve disciples to spread a message across the world that everyone could understand.  It is J.H.A.T’s goal to create groups of skilled tradesmen to go out a spread the word that trades are great tool to change the trajectory of one’s life.  


Do you need help maintaining your workforce?

Fill out the intake form to learn about our mentoring program that helps empower employees and reduce your companies turnover.

interested in trades?

Are you interested in learning about trades?

Fill out the intake form for our mentoring program to help guide you to a trade path or apprenticeship program.